
The Beautiful Distress of Mathematics

A farewell love letter:

Dear 20's,

I bid thee adieu. We had a good run. Late nights and early mornings. Learning how NOT to mix darks and lights. And so many other times that I fear may incriminate me, therefore I'll keep them to myself. I hold all those memories near and dear to my heart. I dedicate this moment of silence to you and take a 40 to your memory.

Rest in Peace


Trak Marks

Gettin' Down wit' DJ Lo Down Loretta Brown

The def defying Ms. Erykah Badu has announced that she is producing a mixtape that will "melt any DJ's face off." With a statement like that I know that Down South heat is gonna be brought to the game. Don't look for the mix under the name Ms. Badu, but under her DJ alias "DJ Lo Down Loretta Brown". Set for release this month, that's definitely one to keep your ears to the street for.


Who got next?...

In my quest to stay on the wagon and not have a blah-g, I have committed myself to checking out the aforementioned items in the next couple of weeks. As the gravity enforcer I plan on holding this sh*t down just like I said I would. Can't wait to let y'all in on my experiences, but in the mean time click on the titles to get linked directly to the real deal. Ahhhh, Indie films and photography, what more can a girl ask for?